Alternativa Film awards


The Alternativa Film Awards is an alternative system for recognizing professionals from developing film industries, and it aims to make them more visible on a global scale. It honors both the artistic merits and potential social impact of cinema, the films that can bring change to the world and society, while appealing to a broad audience.

  • To strengthen the ties between cinema and social change.
  • To find brave new voices and amplify them on a global scale.
  • To support filmmakers who need it most by providing resources and networking within the international community.
  • Courage: We dare people to follow a path of their own.
  • Empowerment: We support local communities by giving them a voice in the film industry.
  • Cooperation: We foster respectful dialogue and collaboration within the industry and among different cultures.
  • Openness and transparency: We are transparent about our work and encourage others to do the same.
  • Inclusiveness: We provide equal opportunities and strive to eliminate discrimination.
  • Social impact: We promote positive social change through the films and filmmakers we support.
  • Involvement: We look for engaged cinema that aims to speak to a wide audience worldwide.
The Alternativa Film Awards celebrate films that excel artistically and have the potential to make a significant societal impact. By impact, we mean the positive changes that have occurred or may occur as a result of the film’s distribution or distribution strategy. These changes can affect individuals, local communities, public opinion, and societies both in the region of film production and beyond.

Our goal is to bring these films and their creators to global attention and help them to reach a wider audience.
Fiction films, documentaries, animation, and hybrid films made by directors from Asia and completed after January 1, 2023, are eligible. This year, we accept short films of any genre only from Southeast Asia.

Please refer to the Rules and Regulations for a full list of eligible countries and detailed film requirements.
Applications can only be submitted in English.
A shortlist of Alternativa Film Awards nominees will be drawn up by our Selection Committee consisting of film critics and journalists, curators, and artistic and programming directors of film festivals, as well as of impact producers from Southeast Asia and other regions.

The Alternativa Film Awards winners will be chosen by our International Jury, comprising film directors and producers from Asia and other regions, as well as community leaders and NGO representatives. The International Jury changes every year. The list of this year's Jury members will be announced on this website.
As an international initiative, the Alternativa Film Awards aim to strengthen cultural ties between regions. In 2023, our focus region was Central Asia. Having chosen Southeast Asia as our focus region this year, we hope to introduce more filmmakers from all Asian countries to our initiative and invite them to participate in the awards.

Given the project’s focus region, in 2024 the Shorts Award is exclusively dedicated to short films from Southeast Asia. The core of the Selection Committee and the International Jury will consist of film industry professionals from this region.
The Alternativa Film Festival marks an evolution of the project, showcasing the awards nominees to a wide audience. It will present free public screenings of all the nominated titles in the lead up to the awards ceremony in November.


The Alternativa Film Awards are presented in five categories with a total prize fund of $100,000. We also present a special Resonance award, which does not come with a monetary prize.


This award is given to a filmmaker who has the potential to contribute to change, both in the film industry and in society in general. The award aims to support new talent and is given for a first or second feature.


This award recognizes a film highlighting a topic or story that would have otherwise remained below the public’s radar. It emphasises the importance of bringing overlooked social issues to the forefront on screen.


This award recognizes a film that encourages social change. The award is given to a film that addresses critical issues (human rights, migration, environment, etc.) and has the potential to impact society.


This award goes to a film that touches on national or cultural identity topics. The award is given for representing a country or a region and putting that place or community on the map.


This award goes to two short films produced in the focus region. The award aims to support filmmakers who boldly forge their own paths by creating films that have a clear impact vision.


A special award for a film that has achieved outstanding success with the audience.

*This prize is not part of the open call, and does not carry a monetary reward.


A team of professionals, including festival and cultural center curators, film critics, directors, producers, and cultural journalists from Southeast Asia and other regions. Together, they review submissions and create the shortlist of nominees.

Adrian Jonathan PASARIBU








Philip CHEAH


Sharofat ARABOVA


Chong Lee YOW


HÀ Lệ Diễm


Marcus Mạnh Cường Vũ






John Badalu


Alternativa Film Awards 2023 Winners

“For us not only to get nominated but to win something, it's totally unprecedented.”

Sunir Pandey and Rajan Kathet, Nepal

No Winter Holidays — Nativa Award 2023

“This is one hundred percent a step forward for our country. Many thanks to the organizers. It was at a high level, such awesome energy, everything was done genuinely, with a lot of soul and a cool approach.”

Askhat Kuchinchirekov, Kazakhstan

Bauryna Salu — Future Voice Award 2023

“I am glad that the documentary received this attention. This is very important for me and for my colleagues.”

Katerina Suvorova, Kazakhstan

Qoryqpa — Alter Award 2023